Sergio Martinez Per 3
From the word search, depending on which class you are in, place your definitions here.
Word, definition, photo.
Sawzall-through a registered trademark of Milwaukee Tool—is the term often used to describe any brand of reciprocating saw. These saws cut in a back-and-forth motion, similar to a handsaw that's just downed four espressos
Drill press- a machine tool for drilling holes, set on a fixed stand.
jointer-a plane used for preparing a wooden edge for fixing or joining to another.
an endless saw, consisting of a steel band with a serrated edge running over wheels.
Planer- another term for plane3, especially when power-operated.
Aviation snips- Snips, also known as shears, are hand tools used to cut sheet metal and other tough webs.
Counter wheel- A surveyor's wheel, also called a click wheel, hodometer, waywiser, trundle wheel, measuring wheel or perambulator is a device for measuring distance.
Chalk line- A chalk line or chalk box is a tool for marking long, straight lines on relatively flat surfaces, much farther than is practical by hand or with a straightedge.
Torpedo level- A torpedo level is a type of spirit level that is an essential tool for any professional working in tight spaces.
Hand winch- A hand winch is a tool that makes it easier to pull or lift large or heavy items such as: Loading boats onto trailers. Multipurpose hauling or lifting of light loads.